Friday, January 14, 2022

Woodworking Engineer Square

woodworking engineer square

Full size squares are made of steel, (well, some of the new ones are also made of aluminum or similar stable material) they are not adjustable and they are dead accurate no matter what the weather, humidity or temperature. my favorite square, which is also being sold a in most woodworking supply stores these days, is the engineers square.. Many combination squares aren’t very accurate, but this one is made to extremely precise tolerances and is individually checked before it leaves the factory. a good 12-in. square, like this one, should be no more than .002 in. out of square at the end of the blade (for comparison, a piece of paper is about .003 in. thick).. Peter bricca, 3/10/2019 i rate this boxed set of engineer's squares as excellent because they are precise, accurate, beautifully crafted and cover all the sizes i need. the convient wooden box should keep them that way. i further give, salesman joe, an excellent rating for taking the time and consideration to search for and find perhaps the last of boxed set of its kind..


Square 90